Friday, January 22, 2021

Reviewing the “Why are you so ANTI-WOMEN”? YouTube video -Aba & Preach

hello everyone! I listen to Aba & Preach on YouTube from time to time. Every once in awhile, I laugh heartily at their content. Here is the episode that I am referring to in this post: “You can’t lay with the maggots and fly like a butterfly. Pick one. Choose one”. -Aba, aka poetic savagery I find a lot of Aba & Preach’s content to be funny yet logical at the same time. I laugh at their playful and sarcastic rants often. I also appreciate their logical breakdowns of various forms of media. I understand and recognize the double standards that they are speaking about within the realm of man vs woman. Yes, the man vs woman dynamics does not often follow logic. Yes, not every woman follows the “feminism handbook” properly. Wait! Does the “feminism handbook” really exist?? LOL!! Perhaps it needs to exist so that women can use it as a source of guideline standards? For goodness sakes, I think I cracked the code!!! (cue cheesy grin) As a society, we are trying to proceed within a society with a mixed bag of notions. This mixed bag of notions on how to behave like a woman is based upon your upbringing and life experiences. Yes, many women are fighting the modern rules and want to pick al la carte off of the feminism and traditional menus. Not all women want to follow the modern female empowerment movement. Many women are being dragged by their hair into the modern era who love the benefits of the traditional roles. Perhaps if we had a standardized rule book to follow, would that change the dynamics within modern society? You are always going to have people who want to play the game by their own rules. That is never going to stop ever. Now let’s follow the basic logical steps for a moment. If one wants equal rights for opportunities, they should be also willing to shake off the dust and open up the purse to pay half on the first date. Dare I say it- it would be mind blowing for a woman to pay for the entire first date! {

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